The jury selected Japanese architect Arata Isozaki and Chinese architect Li Xinggang winners of the 10th Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize, adjudication for which was postponed due to the pandemic in 2020. Chinese architects Zhang Li and Hu Yue won the 2022 (11th) Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize.
The architects were honoured for having dedicated their careers to preserving architectural heritageand developing technological and socially responsible innovations in the field of architecture.
One of ASC’s founding members and Vice President of its first council, Liang Sicheng participated in international design projects around the world, notably including the United Nations headquarters. The prize embodies his knowledge of Chinese architecture and art, interest in innovation and his efforts to advance cultural exchange between Chinese and international architects.
Theme and objectives
Founded in 2000 by the Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China (MOC) to honour practising architects and scholars and open to international participants since 2016, the prize is named for Chinese architect, professor and scholar Liang Sicheng, the 50th anniversary of whose death coincided with the jury meeting.
Key criteria
The prize is open to professional architects.
Jury Members
SONG Chunhua (Chair): Former Vice Minister of Ministry of Construction and Former President of Architectural Society of China
Vassilis Sgoutas: Honorary President of International Union of Architects (UIA) and Co-founder of Sgoutas Architects
Georg Pendl (UIA Representative): Former President of the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE), Former President of the Federal Chamber of Austrian Architects and Engineers, CEO of pendlarchitects
Kenneth, King Mun YEANG: CEO of T. R. Hamzah & Yeang
ZHENG Shiling: Academician of Chinese Academy of Science, Professor at Tongji University, Chairman of Committee of Architectural Criticism-ASC
CHENG Taining: Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Architectural Design Master, Principal of CCTN Architecture Design, Chairman of Committee of Architectural Culture-ASC
MENG Jianmin: Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Architectural Design Master, Chief Architect of Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design & Research Co. Ltd., Vice President of the Architectural Society of China
CHANG Qing: Academician of Chinese Academy of Science, Professor at Tongji University, Vice President of the Architectural Society of China
MEI Hongyuan: Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Architectural Design Master, President and Chief Architect of the Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT Co., Ltd., Vice President of the Architectural Society of China
HUANG Xingyuan: National Architectural Design Master, Consultant Chief Architect of China Electronics Engineering Design Institute
ZHOU Kai: National Architectural Design Master, Chief architect of HHDesign
Jerzy Grochulski: Co-Director of International Competitions Commission of International Union of Architects (UIA ICC)
ZOU Chao: Head of Sci-tech Innovation Platform Division, Department of Sci-tech Innovation, China Association for Science and Technology
ZHOU Xiaojie: Head of Technical Division, Department of Engineering Quality and Safety Supervision, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development