5th International Baku Architecture Award
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan have launched the fifth edition of the Baku International Architecture Award, an open, biennial award with the support of the UIA.
Participants from 38 countries entered the 2019 edition of the Award and the international jury recognised winners from 18 countries: South Africa, Egypt, China, Georgia, Japan, Azerbaijan, Kenya, Iran, Slovakia, Portugal, Malaysia, Spain, Argentina, UAE, Greece, Hong Kong, Denmark, Bangladesh.
The official languages of the prize are Azerbaijani, Russian and English.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year, the fifth anniversary edition of the Award will be held online.
For the Award procedure, regulations or other information, visit the competition website
All questions concerning the Award procedure should be sent to the prize organisers.
Theme and objectives
This biennial award, open to qualified architects everywhere and endorsed by the UIA since 2015, seeks to recognize architectural diversity and to encourage new ideas and research, new realizations and exemplary new implementations of urban planning and architectural projects globally.
Key criteria
- A – Implemented public architecture project;
- B – Implemented residential architecture project;
- C – Implemented interior;
- D – Non-realised project;
- E – Implemented landscape architecture project;
- F – Rehabilitation and reconstruction of historic buildings project;
- G – Architecture publication
Architects duly qualified for architectural practice in their country of residence may participate in the Award. Each participant can submit only one project for each category. Participation is free of charge.
Jury Members
- Esa Mohamed (Malaysia), President of the Jury, UIA Past President (2014-2017)
- In-Souk Cho (Korea), UIA Representative; Co-Director, UIA Heritage & Cultural Identity Work Programme
- Victor Leonel (Angola), President of the Africa Union of Architects (AUA)
- Joseph Kwan (Hong Kong), Director of Region IV, UIA Architecture for All Work Programme
- Elbay Gasim-Zada, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan
The jury awarded the following prizes:
Category A – Best Implemented Project in the field of Public Architecture
1st Prize – Dam Huynh Quoc Vu, Le An Ni (Vietnam) for the “Bó Mon Preschool” project
2nd Prize – Song Yehao (China) for the “Yunzhai Community Center” project
3rd Prize – Nguyen Hoang Manh (Vietnam) for the project “The Straw»
Category B – Best Implemented Project in the field of Residential Architecture
1st Prize – Morales Padilla Moises Manuel (México) for the project “Casa en el Bosque”
2nd Prize – Mohamed Mokhtar Sobeh Alrafei (Egypt) for the “Al-Qurainah Farm House” project
3rd Prize – Nguyen Hoang Manh (Vietnam) for the “Villa Tan Dinh” project
Category C – Best Implemented Interior
1st Prize – Iustin Popescu with co-authors Natașa Andrei, Raluca Popp, Octavia Popeea, Eng. Mihail Gh. Popescu (Romania) for the Students` Canteen project
2nd Prize – José Ramón Sierra Gómez de León with co-authors Jaime Daroca Guerrero; José Ramón Mayoral Moratilla (Spain) for the “Dental Clinic in Los Remedios” project
3rd Prize – Enes Marcelino Miguel (Portugal) for the “Apartment Alfornelos” project.
Category D – Best Non-realised Project
1st Prize – Kańgowski Paweł (Poland) for the “Designers’ Hub – a green alternative to office building” project
2nd Prize – Islam El Mashtooly (Egypt) for the project “The Gardens of Samarra”
3rd Prize – Azim A. Aziz (Malaysia) “Merdeka Mosque, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysıa”.
Category E – Best Implemented Project in the field of Landscape Architecture
1st Prize – Franco Tagliabue and Stefania Saracino (Italy) for the project “Casa Riga con Agriturismo”
2nd Prize – Doan Thanh Ha (Vietnam) for the Revıtalızıng Mao Khe Mınıng Park project
3rd Prize – Manafli Ilgar and Rustamli Rahima (Azerbaijan) for the project “Khan’s Garden”
Category F – Best Implemented Project in the Field of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Buildings
1st Prize – Da Franca Ana (Portugal) for the “Marques Da Sılva House” project
2nd Prize – Hernández Inca (México) for the project “Mar Mediterráneo 34»
3rd Prize – Sidhartha Talwar (India) for the project “Baradari, City Palace Jaipur, Rajasthan, India”
Category G – Best Publication in the Field of Architecture
1st Prize – Nargiz Agayeva (Azerbaijan) for Furniture and its principles of optimal organization in the interior
2nd Prize – Azim A. Aziz (Malaysia) for Masjid – Selected Mosque and Musollas in Malaysia
3rd Prize – Vladimir Linov (Russia) for Urban architecture. Essays of trends
Key dates
Three prizes will be attributed in each category. The prize fund of 52 500 AZN (25,668 Euros*) will be awarded as follows:
- First Prize: 4000 AZN (1 960 Euros)
- Second Prize: 2500 AZN (1 224 Euros)
- Third Prize: 1000 AZN (490 Euros)
*Prize money in Euros is approximate